Thursday, February 20, 2014

"Mom, Are We There Yet!?" - Where To Go For The Best Kid's Entertainment

So kids, you're probably wondering, what is there to do in Bucks County? Parents, you're probably wondering, where the most family-friendly entertainment is to keep your kids happy.  Well, where should we begin.

Bucks County Playhouse

70 South Main Street 
New Hope, PA 18938

Monday: Closed
Tuesday - Sunday: 12pm-5pm

Bucks County Playhouse
Are you visiting Bucks County in the dead of winter and have restless children with you? Well, here is the answer to all your problems. The Bucks County Playhouse is literally a playhouse which hosts plays all year round.  

Playhouse History

The Bucks County Playhouse is located in New Hope, PA just off River Road and next to the Delaware River. Built in 1790, Benjamin Perry (who is he? Click here for more details) rebuilt what is now the playhouse after the previous structure burnt down.  He named it the Hope Mills, which inspired the town to change the name from Coryell's Ferry to New Hope. 

Later in the 1930's, a Broadway playwright and Bucks County resident, named Moss Hart, influenced the community to save the structure from demolition and turn it into a theater.  This lead to the first Bucks County Playhouse play in 1939.  Over the years, many famous faces have made appearances at the playhouse, such as Grace Kelly, Liza Minnelli, Robert Redford and many more.

Some of the past children shows and events at the playhouse have been Free Movie Fridays, Sing-A-Long Saturdays, Really RosieHalloween Festivities and holiday events.

For an updated list of current plays and events, check out the Bucks County Playhouse's main page.

Feed the Ducks by the Delaware River

After you enjoy a nice day at the Bucks County Playhouse, don't forget to stop by the "Quack Shack" next to the playhouse parking lot to feed the ducks. Ducks are just as hungry as we are, and it's only a dollar. While you are feeding the ducks, you can enjoy the beautiful view of the Delaware River and New Jersey

Kids Castle

425 Wells Road
Doylestown, PA 18910

Kids Castle Welcome Sign
So, how many kids love playgrounds? Playgrounds can occupy children's time for hours, but how about a playground castle

Children will be amazed when they see Kids Castle located in Doylestown, PA for the first time (I know I was). This playground is unlike any other playground. Kids Castle is eight stories high. Recently renovated as of 2014, it is in mint condition, and it is ready for children to run around until they can't run anymore.  It is a great place for both parents and children to socialize with their peers as they enjoy the park and the playground.

Kids Castle Entrance
What's the best part about Kids Castle? The gigantic twisty slide from the top of the castle. The castle has mazes, obstacle courses, imagination stations, swing sets, monkey bars and not to mention the never-ending climbing to reach the eighth story. If this playground doesn't tire kids out, I don't know what will.   

Kids Castle
After enjoying the most intricate playground ever, relax in the neighboring park to take a leisurely stroll to end your day at Doylestown Township Park. It is even a short distance from Doylestown Main Street so stop by one of the many museums or have a bite to eat in town. 

Caution: Temper tantrums may occur while departing Kids Castle since it's just too fun to leave. 

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